Homework 3: Object-Oriented Programming

This homework is intended to reinforce various OOP concepts and give you more practice with linked lists before the midterm. Parts 2, 3, and 4 will cover material up through Friday's (Feb 13th) lecture.

The solutions are available at this link. The password on the zip file is "skeleton master". You can literally submit exactly the files in this hw if you wish, though I don't recommend it since you won't learn anything.

Part 1: Basic inheritance exercises

In this part, think about the following:

Consider the following two classes Animal and Fox.

public class Animal {
    String name;
    public Animal() {
        name = "SuperAnimal";
    public void speak() {
        System.out.println("I'm an animal");

public class Fox extends Animal{
    String name;
    public Fox() {
    public Fox(String s) {
        name = s;
    public void speak() {

We see that Fox is a subclass of Animal with a hidden field (name) and overridden method (speak). An earlier version of this homework used the term shadowing, but this is not quite correct. We have not discussed shadowed declarations. If you're curious, see this section of the Java documentation.

Note that hidden fields and overridden static methods are based on the static type of the object (Q3), which is different from overridden instance methods. The questions in this section will explore this in more detail.

Answer the following questions in answers.txt. Each answer should be one letter or word. Make sure you should understand these questions thoroughly.


Suppose we run the following code:

Animal a0 = new Animal();   // Line 1
Fox f0 = new Fox();         // Line 2
a0.speak();                 // Line 3
f0.speak();                 // Line 4
((Animal) f0).speak();      // Line 5
((Fox) a0).speak();         // Line 6

(a) What does the second line print? If it doesn't print anything, write None.

(b) Will the fifth line cause an error? (Yes or No)

(c) What does the fifth line print? If it doesn't print anything or causes an error, write None.

(d) Will the sixth line cause an error? (Yes or No)

(e) What does the sixth line print? If it doesn't print anything or causes an error, write None.

(f) Selection of overridden instance (non-static) methods is based on the _ type. (static or dynamic)


Suppose we run the following code:

Animal a1 = new Fox();
((Animal) a1).speak();

(a) Will the following line cause a (A) compile-time error or (B) run-time error. (A or B)

Fox f1 = new Animal();

(b) What does the second line print?

(c) What does the third line print?

(d) The third line uses the _ type to select which speak() method to run. (static or dynamic)


Suppose we run the following code:

Animal a2 = new Animal();
Animal a3 = new Fox("SuperFox");
System.out.println(((Animal) a3).name);

(a) Calling the Fox() constructor with one argument implicitly calls super(). (True or False)

(b) What does the fourth line print?

(c) What does the fifth line print?

(d) Selection of hidden fields is based on the type. (static or dynamic)

Part 2: Recursive linked data structure

You have been provided with skeleton code for the class SortedComparableList, which stores Comparables in ascending order as a recursive linked list. Each list contains a variable for head, which is a Comparable, and tail, which is the rest of the list (which is also a SortedComparableList).

First, fill in the two constructors.

Next, fill in the three methods insert(Comparable c), get(int i), and extend(SortedComparableList that).

Then, fill in the methods subTail(SortedComparableList L, int start), sublist(SortedComparableList L, int start, int len), expungeTail(SortedComparableList L, int len), squish(), and twin().

Method descriptions:

Helpful notes:

Part 3: Function container class

You have been provided with the interface IntUnaryFunction, which has one method, apply(int x), that takes in an int, applies some function to it, and returns the result as an int.

You will also find skeleton code for ApplicableIntList, which is similar to the linked list you implemented in Part 2. ApplicableIntList is also a recursive linked list, but stores only ints. It has a method apply(IntUnaryFunction f) that applies f to each of its elements.

First, fill in the two constructors.

Then, fill in the three methods insert(int i), get(int i), and apply(IntUnaryFunction f). For insert and get, you can use modified versions of your implementations for Part 2.

Method descriptions:

Helpful notes:

Part 4: Comparators

In this section you will learn how to use Comparators. The java Comparator interface has two methods:

Since an object already has an equals method, you will need to implement only the compare method for the purposes of this homework. You can learn more by looking up the java documentation for the Comparator interface.

In Homework 1, you created a Planet class to help simulate the motion of objects in a plane. Copy over Planet.java and any libraries you used into this homework's directory.

1: We will modify the Planet class to include a private double radius. You should change the constructor as well.

2: Add two more public methods to the Planet class that return the mass and radius so we can access this information from other classes.

3: Open up MassComparator.java. This class implements the Comparator interface so you will have to fill in the compare method, which compares the mass of the input planets. Since this method returns an int but the mass values are doubles, be sure to do any rounding after computing the difference.

4: Create a class RadiusComparator that behaves like MassComparator but bases calculations on a Planet's radius.

5: Open up MaxPlanet.java. This class has a single static method maxPlanet that takes in as arguments an array of Planets and a Comparator. It returns the Planet with the maximum value according to the passed in Comparator.

Submission Instructions

To recieve feedback from the autograder via email, push to the ag/hw3 branch, following the directions from lab 1.

To submit, push to the submit/hw3 branch, following the directions from lab 1. Alternatively, refer to this cheatsheet on Piazza.